* : main researcher.s
Project Title
Mieux comprendre les effets des inégalités sociales et de genre sur la santé au travail à travers une approche holistique et interdisciplinaire prenant en compte les rapports de genre et leur intersectionnalité
Funding Agency
Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC)
Année de publication
SAGE Members Involved
Geneviève Baril-Gingras (ULaval), Stéphanie Bernstein (UQAM), Alexis Chambel (ESG-UQAM), Rachel Cox (UQAM), Jean-Paul Dautel (UQO), Dalia Gesualdi-Fecteau (UdeM), Anne Renée Gravel (TÉLUQ), Marie Laberge (UdeM), Valérie Lederer (UQO), Mélanie Lefrançois (ESG-UQAM), Marie-Eve Major (USherbrooke), Valérie Martin (ESG-UQAM), Karen Messing (UQAM), Jessica Riel (ESG-UQAM), Vanessa Remery (UQAM), Johanne Saint-Charles (UQAM), Hélène Sultan-Taïeb (ESG-UQAM), Mélanie Trottier (ESG-UQAM) and Nicole Vézina (UQAM)
Project Title
Interdisciplinary perspectives in considering sex and gender in the occupational health: Quebecers’ works outreach at the International Erogonomics Association Congress
Funding Agency
Connexion Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
Année de publication
SAGE Members Involved
Marie Laberge*(Université de Montréal), Jessica Riel* (UQO), Mélanie Lefrançois (UQAM), Marie-Eve Major (Université de Sherbrooke), Karen Messing (UQAM), Hélène Sultan-Taïeb (UQAM) and Nicole Vézina (UQAM)
Other Researchers Involved
Martin Chadoin (UQAM) and Susan Stock (Université de Montréal)
Project Title
Precarious employment, atypical schedules and work-family balance: An interdisciplinary analysis on individual and collective strategies
Funding Agency
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
Année de publication
SAGE Members Involved
Nathalie Houlfort* (UQAM), Stéphanie Bernstein (UQAM), Rachel Cox (UQAM), Anne Renée Gravel (TÉLUQ), Mélanie Lefrançois (UQAM), Katherine Lippel (Université d’Ottawa) et Karen Messing (UQAM)
Other Researchers Involved
Isabelle Létourneau (Université de Sherbrooke) and Julie Ménard (UQAM)
Project Title
Labour legislation’s normative and institutional fragmentation: what effects on work justice access?
Funding Agency
Insight Program, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
In progress (2019-24)
SAGE Members Involved
Dalia Gesualdi-Fecteau*(UQAM) and Rachel Cox (UQAM)
Other Researchers Involved
Guylaine Vallée (Université de Montréal)
Project Title
Early Childhood Centers’ new financing method: levers and obstacles for the protection of working conditions and workers' health
Funding Agency
Insight Development Program, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
Année de publication
SAGE Members Involved
Anne Renée Gravel (TÉLUQ) ans Jessica Riel (UQO)
Autres chercheurse impliquée
Julie Bourgault* (UQO)
Project Title
Multidisciplinary research on labor relationship role and gender relations in work-life balance activity for male-dominated occupations workers
Funding Agency
Insight Development Program, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
Année de publication
SAGE Members Involved
Jessica Riel* (UQO) and Mélanie Lefrançois (UQAM)
Autre chercheurse impliquée
Mélanie Trottier (UQAM)
Project Title
Shelter and transition housing for female victims of domestic violence workers and coordinators’ working conditions, work-life balance and work activities.
Funding Agency
Programme d’aide financière à la recherche et à la création (PAFARC), Université du Québec à Montréal
Année de publication
SAGE Members Involved
Nathalie Houlfort* (UQAM), Karen Messing (UQAM) and Jessica Riel (UQO)
Project Title
Bullying and harassment project in the industry and construction occupations
Funding Agency
Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ)
Année de publication
SAGE Members Involved
Marie Laberge (UdeM) et Jessica Riel (UQO)
Other Researchers Involved
Éric Charest* (ENAP) and Céline Chatigny (UQAM)
Project Title
Modeling an approach to gender-conscious participatory action-oriented research and knowledge transfer favouring equality, equity and occupational/environmental health.
Funding Agency
Team Grant: Gender effect on knowledge application interventions financed by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR 153454)
Année de publication
SAGE Members Involved
Marie Laberge* (Université de Montréal), Karen Messing* (UQAM), Jessica Riel* (UQO), Johanne Saint-Charles* (UQAM), Hélène Sultan-Taïeb* (UQAM), Stéphanie Bernstein (UQAM), Valérie Lederer (UQO), Katherine Lippel (Université d'Ottawa), Marie-Ève Major (Université de Sherbrooke) and Nicole Vézina (UQAM)
Other Researchers Involved
Myriam Fillion* (TÉLUQ), Donna Mergler* (UQAM), Cathy Vaillancourt* (INRS-Armand-Frappier), Jena Webb* (CoPEH-Can), Marie Bellemare (ULaval), Jacques Bernier (INRS), Céline Chatigny (UQAM), Daniel Côté (IRSST), Julie Côté (McGill), Jeffrey Masuda (Queen’s University), Lise Parent (TÉLUQ), André Plamondon (IRSST), Stéphanie Premji (McMaster University) et Dave St-Amour (UQAM)
Project Title
Genre et travail : innover dans les méthodes, interventions et évaluation.
Funding Agency
Subvention Connexion financée par le Conseil de recherche en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH)
Année de publication
SAGE Members Involved
Marie Laberge* (UdeM), Jessica Riel* (UQO), Valérie Lederer (UQO), Marie-Eve Major (USherbrooke), Karen Messing (UQAM), Hélène Sultan-Taïeb (UQAM) et Nicole Vézina (UQAM)
Other Researchers Involved
Julie Côté (McGill) and André Plamondon (IRSST)
Project Title
Développement des outils et des méthodes d’analyse pour l’évaluation d’une intervention de prévention des troubles musculo-squelettiques dans l’industrie de l’abattage de volaille : processus d’implantation et impacts économiques.
Funding Agency
Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST)
Année de publication
SAGE Members Involved
Hélène Sultan-Taïeb* (UQAM) and Nicole Vézina (UQAM)
Other Researchers Involved
Élise Ledoux (UQAM)
Project Title
Interdisciplinary indicators development characterizing prevention actions integrated in businesses
Funding Agency
Équipe de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur la Prévention et la Réduction de l’Incapacité au Travail (ERIPRIT) financée par le Fonds de Recherche du Québec en Santé (FRQS)
Année de publication
SAGE Members Involved
Hélène Sultan-Taïeb* (UQAM) and Nicole Vézina (UQAM)